COURTNEY ANTHONY SPENCE is a graduate from the University of Florida holding a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Literature. He is a hard-working, motivated, relatable individual who strives to take on new challenges. He has called Spain his home for nearly a decade and hopes to do so for many more. He completed two years of his undergraduate degree at both the Universidad de Pablo Olavide and Universidad de Sevilla. In that city, he underwent a rigorous 5-month full-time internship at the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, shadowing in the Neurología Infantil, assisting my tutor with his daily rounds. He also interned at the Cruz Roja Juventud, where we carried out multiple activities for Seville’s youth.
Currently in Badajoz, he works as a language assistant providing guidance to bilingual teachers and bridging the gap in the English learning experience for students.