This master’s program provides students with a firm grounding in the social, economic, environmental, and cultural factors on which the global sustainability of the planet depends. The acceleration of global warming has forced us to make a deep critical reflection on the current socioeconomic model and to build itineraries for socioecological transition that will promote global sustainability.
Throughout this master’s program, we analyze the production and consumption of food and energy, urbanization models that favor sustainable cities, and how sustainable development can be financed. We also reflect on those community strategies that favor resilience, citizen participation, and the construction of a new paradigm based on socioeconomic and territorial cooperation at the international level involving both private- and public-sector actors. Students will develop an in-depth understanding of the policy dynamics behind global sustainability including the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations, EU sustainability agendas 2030 and 2050, etc.
Topics covered within the program include corporate sustainability, sustainable cities and communities, environmental policy and international development, sustainable food systems, natural resource management and sustainable ecosystems, and sustainable finance. The degree prepares students for research, service in international organizations, consulting work, public administration, and private-sector employment.